Play Me : A Standalone Romance (Spotlight Collection Book 1) Read online
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I’m exhausted, hungry, and my body is begging for sleep, but then I think of her and it awakens. Just thinking about that kiss keeps me feeling alive.
“I thought I would find you out here.” Grans walks in with a thermos full off coffee and pours me a cup.
“I couldn’t sleep.” I continue to sand, avoiding eye contact. After last night I’m a little angry, but I get it, I do. She was trying to help her only child, while at the same time protecting me from a mother who was obviously unstable. How can I be mad at that?
“So I heard.” She rubs her face, then pours herself a cup. “I think I owe you an apology.”
“Grans, don’t,” I plead, looking her in the eyes. I cannot go through this again.
“Presley, I love you with all my heart, but seeing you like this is killing me.” She walks over and forces the cup into my hand. “Drink.”
“Thanks.” I bring the mug up to my lips, listening as she continues.
“I didn’t tell you because I wasn’t sure if she would even come back.”
“Grans.” I set the cup down and begin to busy myself. “She stayed gone because of you.”
Did she?
“Yes.” She nods. “And no.” She places a hand on my shoulder. “Presley, dear.”
Presley. She’s the only person I allow to call me by my given name. When she says it, it doesn’t hurt.
“Your mother told me what she said last night and it’s true, but we cared about you as if you were our own son. The moment she walked out is the moment she didn’t come first. You did.” Grans begins to cry. “I don’t know how long I have. My mind, as much as we’d both like to think otherwise, it’s going.”
Pulling her into my arms, holding her tight, I comfort Grans the way she always has comforted me, loved me.
“I know.” I try to hold back the tears but fail miserably. This disease not only takes your memories, it destroys who you are. You lose all sense of reason. So, while she is with me, I’m going to hug her tighter, love her harder and make sure she gets the best care possible. Whether it’s with me or with the best memory care center, either way I
will protect her with everything I am.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, my sweet boy,” Gran says as she pulls away. She reaches up, placing a hand on each side of my face. “That is why I called her. I know I need help.”
“Grans, I can—” I try to interrupt, but instead she shushes me.
“I know you can. You have showed that time and time again, but right now, I need you to take care of you.” She pokes me in the chest, and I shake her hand off. “My, my—construction has been good for you.” She winks.
Hands on hips, I puff out my chest and deepen my voice. “I like to think so.”
“Oh geez.” Grans rolls her eyes. “What I was trying to say is you need to get out more, find a girl, get married and have a family of your own.”
I pull her back to me. “There is plenty of time for that. Right now, I just want to spend time with—”
“There isn’t,” Grans cuts in. “I’m running out of time and I want to see you happy. I know I won’t get to experience those things with you, but if I could just see you do some of them—live your life for you—that would make this shitty situation more tolerable.” Grans smiles. Reaching up again, she squeezes my cheeks together. “So, tell me about this girl you met.”
For the next half hour or so we talk all about Ellie. How we met, why I left, the grocery store and the kiss. Grans sits patiently, taking it all in, asking questions here and there. Being here, like this, is what I’ll
miss the most.
I have played in front of hundreds of people. Traveled across the country without knowing a single soul. But this? Waiting for Lee to pick me up has my nerves shot to hell.
It’s not like I’ve never been on a date before, I have. Lots of them. Well, not exactly lots. I’m not that type of girl, but if a guy asked me out, I would go.
Lee’s different. I’m not sure why, but I find myself hanging on his every word, mentally begging him not to leave. Hell, last night I was one step away from throwing myself at him.
So, now I’m here, standing outside of Spotlight, wondering if I made the right decision. Maybe I should have waited upstairs or by the bar. “Ugh!” I throw my head back. I hate that I’m second-guessing myself.
“Hey, you,” Lee calls out as he comes walking around the corner.
“I was excited!” I blurt.
Damn it! I need to get my mouth under control. If I would have waited upstairs this wouldn’t have been a problem.
Lee chuckles as he walks up to me, hands in pockets. “Was? Should I be worried?”
“Oh God!” I bury my head in my hands. “I—damn it. I can’t even form a sentence when I’m around you.”
Lee’s hands are on mine, slowly peeling them away from my face.
“Now, what were you saying?” he asks with a toothy grin.
He knows what he does to me so why is he making me say the words? I narrow my eyes. “Fine. I am excited. So much that I didn’t want to wait for you to come up.”
“So, I make you nervous?” He reaches for my hand.
Before I can say anything else, he pulls me into him, his lips softly caressing mine.
Repeating, falling into a rhythm my lips can sing to.
This man has a way with me.
Breaking away, our eyes open. Lee’s mouth slowly turns into a smirky smile. Mine follows.
“Better?” He reaches out and tucks a few wild hairs behind my ear.
I slowly nod, my eyes never leaving his.
“Great. My truck is just over there.” He points across the road. “You ready?”
I open my mouth to speak. Luckily, I’m able to form a sentence. “Yup.”
Close enough.
“Ellie?” He takes my hand in his.
“Yeah?” I reply. I’m rocking this communication thing.
“I’m excited too,” he admits as he brings our hands up to his mouth, kissing the top of mine. “And every single time I see you, you manage to take my breath away.”
Opening my mouth and then closing it again, I decide words are no longer needed. I let him guide me across the street.
Everything Lee Scott does has meaning and I look forward to exploring his definitions.
Chapter Fifteen
“I love your place.” I walk around the front room while he maneuvers his way through the kitchen.
“Thanks. My grandfather and I started to fix it up when I was in high school.” He reaches up to grab some kind of spice from the top shelf, causing his fitted tee to rise just enough for me to get a sneak peek of those two little dimples that sit right above his perfect ass.
“So the plan was for you to always live here?” I head into the kitchen and find a place out of his way.
“Not at all. This was supposed to be a rec room, a place for me to hang with all my friends. But then he got sick and I got a job.” He reaches into the fridge, pulling out a package of mozzarella.
“I’m sorry.” I take a few steps closer. “Have you always worked construction?” I fiddle with the fresh basil on the counter.
“Yeah.” He begins to mince a couple cloves of garlic, or maybe he is dicing. I’m not really sure since my cooking skills are those of a college student. “Because of age restrictions, I had to start with the cleanup crew, but as I worked my way up.”
“Where do you see—” I try to ask another question, but Lee quickly cuts me off.
“Three question limit,” he states.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I quickly respond.
Laying down the knife, he walks
over to the sink and washes his hands. All the while I want to crawl into a little hole and die.
Coming to stand across from me, he leans back against the island, reaches out and pulls me to him. His hands on my hips, he says, “My turn to ask three questions.”
“Oh? Is this a game?”
“You mean like strip poker?” He nods over to the pan of sauce he just started. “We probably should keep all clothes on until after dinner.”
“You’re a mess.” I grab hold of his wrists, sliding my hands down to his as I remove them from my hips. “I meant do you do this all the time?” I take a step back to separate myself from the disappointment of his answer, but as quickly as I take a step, he takes one forward.
“Ellie, I have never wanted to know someone more than I want to know you. The questions? I just need to know. I’m a greedy bastard who wants to know all your secrets.” He pulls me in, kissing me on the top of my head before he lets me go. “This wasn’t a game, but now that I think of it, it’s ours. Mine and yours.”
“So, we have a thing?”
“We do.” He winks. “You ready to be grilled?” He picks up the knife, waiting for my answer.
I nod toward the knife. “Should I be scared? Because I just watched Silence of the Lambs last week and I feel the need to ask if you are literally or figuratively asking.”
Shaking with laughter, he replies, “Figuratively.”
“Thank God.” I hold my hand to my chest.
“I want to know everything, so I’m going to ask you something that has actually been bothering me.”
“Now I’m really worried.”
“Who is Eloise Hawthorne?” He reaches for the herbs and begins chopping, looking up at me through his lashes, waiting for my answer.
“Going big, huh?” I gulp. “It’s my given name, but when I started to perform, I took the stage name Ellie Thorne.
“Then why not introduce yourself as Eloise?” Lee asks the question I would’ve told him that night, but he ran off.
“It’s common for performers to take stage names. Sometimes they even take it as far as legally changing them, but for me, I just wanted to forget Eloise Hawthorne.”
“Why?” It’s a simple question with such a complex answer.
“I’m going to try and give you the CliffsNotes version.”
“No, I want the full scoop.” He waves at the mess. “This may take a while. We have time.”
“Speaking of which, why so much food?”
“Ask me that question when it’s your turn.” He twists around and wipes the contents of the cutting board into the pot.
“Okay.” I give him a funny look.
“Do you mind stirring while I put the casserole together? Plus, I just want you closer.” He grins at me.
“You have a dangerous smile.” I flash him one of mine as I step in behind him.
“How so?”
“Time will tell, Scott. Time will tell,” I kid as I tilt my head back, but Lee surprises me with a quick peck to the nose.
“Now spill it,” he demands.
Taking a deep breath, I spend what seems like forever filling Lee in on everything from my parents’ situation to boarding school to being forced to go to college, leaving all my hard work and dreams behind.
“So that is me, in a nutshell. I finally woke up and realized my life was exactly that, my life, but when I did something about it they disowned me. Left me with nothing but a bag full of clothes.” I point to myself. “Ellie Thorne, D.O.B.: now!”
“Hi!” He spins around, pulling me into his arms once again—a move I’m beginning to like.
“Hi!” I respond, waiting for him to crash his lips down on mine, but it doesn’t come. Instead he releases me and goes back to putting the casserole together.
“Want to see my garage?” he says over his shoulder.
“Yeah. Just let me get this pan in the oven.” He reaches around me, turning the sauce down.
“You are going to love this.” He snatches up my hand and pulls me along.
“If I ask what it is, will it count toward my questions?”
“You know what? I think I love surprises.”
“Good answer!”
Lee is standing in front of the door, taking deep breaths. “Okay, I didn’t think I would be this nervous, but if I’m being honest, I’m freakin’ out a little here.”
“I’m sure whatever is behind this door, it’s amazing,” I try to reassure him.
Lee reaches behind him, opens the door and takes a step to the left so I can go in. “Go easy on me.”
“Aren’t you coming in?” I stand still, teetering between going in and staying out.
“Yeah. I’m just giving you a head start.” He looks at me sideways.
“Don’t believe you.” I snake my arm around his, pulling Lee into the garage with me. “See, is that so bad?” I let go of his arm and face his work space. “Lee!” I gasp.
“That bad, huh?” He’s in front of me, making sure he sees every single reaction.
“No.” I walk over to a rocking chair first. “These are amazing.” I look back at him. “Did you do all these?”
He nods.
“And this too.” I head over to a bedroom set, running my hand over the bed post. “The detail is incredible.”
“Thanks. Sometimes I take special orders and make them in my spare time,” he confesses, walking to a piece that has a sheet thrown
over it.
“Have you thought about opening your own store?”
“Yeah, but right now, I need something that is consistent.”
“I get that,” I say as I go over to stand next to him. “What’s this one?”
“Hmm, I’m not sure.” His dangerous, sexy, smirk of a smile is back. “Let’s check it out.” He gently pulls the sheet off.
“Lee! Is this…” I reach out to touch it, but I’m afraid I will mess it up. “Can I?”
“Sure. I still need to stain and seal it, but go right ahead.”
“Lee, when did you make this?” I look between him and the wooden guitar stand, still amazed that he made this, for me.
“Last night,” he replies, his voice barely audible.
“Last night?” I ask to make sure I heard him right.
“When did you sleep? This…it has so much detail. The curves, the lines; it had to have taken forever.”
“I didn’t sleep.”
“Not at all?”
“Nope. I couldn’t.”
The sentiment overwhelms me. This man, who I just met, stayed up all night making something so perfect. Equal parts me and him combined in a piece of furniture that he made with his hands.
“Thank you, Lee. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I jump into his arms, feathering tiny kisses all over his face, causing Lee to shake with laughter again.
But those kisses begin to slow and my need for more becomes urgent. Legs wrapping around his waist, I’m closer than I have ever been. My fingers inch their way up his neck, tugging at his hair as his mouth opens for me.
Last night he may have claimed my mouth, but today, it’s my turn. I lick, suck and twirl my tongue around his. Devouring every moan, inhaling every breath. He is mine.
“This—we should…” He tries to break away, but I kiss his neck, then bite down. “Fuck it.” He walks us over to his desk and turns around so that he’s sitting and I’m straddling him. Pulling at his hair while his hands snake up my shirt, I begin to move. My body needs the friction, needs him.
“So you liked it?” He breathes the words as he kisses up my neck.
“So much,” I pant as I continue to rock.
“Presley! Looks like you took my advice,” I hear a voice call out behind me, and Lee freezes.
“Whatever you do, don’t turn around.” He whispers in my ear.
So, I do exactly the opposite. I have no clue why. I just
do it.
“Oh my. Presley, you weren’t exaggerating. She’s absolutely stunning.” The woman begins to walk over. “I’m Jeanie, this horny boy’s Grans.”
“Um, I’m Ellie.” I turn back around, waiting for Lee to help me out, since one hand is frozen on his belt buckle and the other on his shoulder.
“Grans. I’m a tad busy here.” Lee just throws me a look, shrugging his shoulders.
“Seriously?” I mouth.
“Well kiddos. I guess that’s my cue to leave.” I hear her head for the door and open it. She whispers loudly, “Go get ’em, tiger,” before leaving and shutting the door behind her.
“That’s my Grans.”
“Yeah, I got that.” I try to get down, but he pulls me in tighter.
“That was awkward but just know, when I let you go, you this,” he motions between us, “is not over. Not by a long shot.”
“I was hoping you would say that.”
“I was exhausted before you got here, but suddenly, I feel as if I could go all night.” He winks as we get off the desk, and he grabs my hand.
But first, we eat.
Chapter Sixteen
I can’t control myself when I’m around her and the garage incident is proof of that. The moment she wrapped those legs around me is when I knew I was a goner. All reason went out the window.
I just wish I would have remembered to lock the door. Not only to give me a chance to see where things would have gone with Ellie, but to save her from the embarrassment as well.
I tried to explain that it wasn’t a big deal, but with our hands up each other’s shirts, it was hard to get her to see it any other way.
“Do you think she thinks I’m a slut?” Ellie blurts out as she sets the table, not even bothering to look up.
“Is that your first question?” I joke.
“I’m serious, Lee.” She stops, hands on hips.
I stop plating our food and wonder what is going through her mind. Yeah, it was embarrassing for the both of us but, as awkward as it was, Grans’ reaction should have given her some sense of comfort. Hell, if we would have let Grans stay, I’m pretty sure she would have cheered us on from the sidelines.